Could you tell I was EXCITED to skate?
We were having so much fun…..until… big toes were getting jammed in my daughter’s skates causing major discomfort. It’s time for me to get a pair of my own skates, because I can see myself doing this on a more consistent basis.
Why Rollerskate?
Rollerskating is PERFECT cardio and super great because you don’t get the heavy impact on the joints.
According to a study conducted at the University of Massachusetts, in-line skating causes less than 50 percent of the impact shock to joints compared to running.
So, if you are someone who says you can’t get your cardio in because of your joints you may want to try this.
Not only is it super FUN, but it gets you outdoors and in the fresh air and sunlight. You’ll strengthen your heart, improve your coordination and balance, not to mention you’ll get a ridiculously sexy lower body!
Skating anyone? 🙂
Today’s Workout:
60 min Zumba Class
Rollerskating – maybe 30 min or so until my toes were hurtin’ for certain!
What did you do today for your workout? Post your comment below.
Until tomorrow…..