Posts Tagged "vegetarian"

Why I Don’t Eat Soy

Posted By on Jun 4, 2009

Another informative article that I read back in 2002 after learning that soy was not good for my thyroid. The Ploy of Soy. I really wish more people knew about this with soy being marketed like crazy and lots of new vegans are coming on board. If I could help anyone going vegetarian or vegan or even raw I would inform them to stay off the soy!

I am not 100% raw 100% of the time. In the summer, I am pretty much 100 % raw, but as the cooler weather approaches I find myself eating homemade veggie soups, steamed or baked veggies. When I became vegan I found myself eating tons of grains and beans. I really felt puffy and bloated from them. So to this day I rarely eat them. If I do I know I’ll be puffy for about 3 days after. Who wants that? So, for me, fruit and veggies are where it’s at. If I go out to a restaurant and have vegan cuisine they always ask if I want tofu. I say “No thanks, just extra veggies please”.

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