Posts made in August, 2009

Science of Miracles

Posted By on Aug 12, 2009

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

I watched this today and felt compelled to share this with you. I know sometimes we don’t feel we have the time to sit and watch something like this, but I encourage you to find the time. It will be well spent.

Yesterday I was given two gifts from friends. One was called a “prayer box” necklace and another was a framed quote saying “All we need is love”. The timing couldn’t be more perfect to watch this film. I had my children watch it with me because I feel it is important for them to understand their own power in their lives.

For many of my growing up years of my life I felt unempowered. I felt if only circumstances were different then I could have the life I had dreamed of. Why was it I was given the hard knock life and others seems to be living it up? I would have thoughts like, ” Oh, if I was just prettier” or “If I had more money”, or “If I lived in a better community then I would have more opportunities in life”. I felt like the power to live my dreams and life were beyond me and sent like a wish in a prayer.

Now, many years later I have been fortunate enough (or blessed) to stumble upon information that left me feeling empowered. Some of these resources are:
Power vs Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior
Being In Balance: 9 Principles for Creating Habits to Match Your Desires
Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
The Secret
What the Bleep Do We Know!?
The 8th Habit Personal Workbook: Strategies to Take You from Effectiveness to Greatness
The Science of Getting Rich: The Original Guide to Manifesting Wealth Through the Secret Law of Attraction
The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship: A Toltec Wisdom Book

I feel like these resources gave me to tools to apply in my life and feel empowered. It has nothing to do with race, gender, age, appearance, money, status, or location. It is all within and that sensation is priceless.

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Week One Wrap Up

Weekly Goal
5 miles of walking
2- 90 min yoga sessions

Day 1
2 mile walk & circuit training: tricep dips off couch, 3 way partner ab/oblique exercise (where one person lies down & holds onto the ankles and raises up their legs while the standing partner pushes the feet down), modified push ups, & jumping jacks.

Day 2
Easy 6 mile walk over a 2 hour period (chat time)

Day 3
90 minutes of Sunrise Yoga Sweat
4 mile walk in 60 minutes

Day 4
5 mile walk

Day 5
2 mile walk

Day 6
90 minutes of Sunset Yoga

Day 7
2 mile walk

Total Completed
21 miles of walking
2- 90 min yoga sessions
1 circuit training session

How about you? Comment below your workout wrap up!

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In July, I tweeted that I did a Fitness Analysis. This is something I learned as part of my personal training education. You can learn how to perform your own fitness analysis by going to this link. It’s great because it gives you a general idea of your fitness level. When you see my results below you’ll see I added in a few extra elements to the test just to get a clearer picture of where I was.

I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the results, but everyone needs to know their starting point. Isn’t there a quote out there somewhere that says what gets measured improves? I have been more sedentary since I have been working online more so here are my humble results.

After reviewing my results, I was bummed that I relapsed and lost most of my efforts I was making on my bikini body challenge. My sedentary lifestyle is eating away my physical abilities and I really needed to step up my game. There is no reason that I shouldn’t be in the top 95%ile in all areas. Obviously, I need to work on my upper body strength and cardiovascular ability. I decided it’s time to get back on track & make some goals, create a support system and accountability.

Run an 8 minute mile. It isn’t a fantastic time, but it is a big improvement to my current time.
Complete 40 consecutive modified push-ups and 20 consecutive full push ups
Reduce my BMI to 18

Plan of Action
August I started a 30 day challenge. The goal is to complete a workout everyday for 30 days.

Cardio Plan
Complete 1 mile 5x on week 1= Total 5 miles
Complete 2 miles 5x on week 2= Total 10 miles
Complete 3 miles 5x on week 3= Total 15 miles
Complete 4 miles 5x on week 4= Total 20 miles

Strength, Flexibility, Balance Plan
Perform Yoga 2x a week- 90 minutes each session adding in lots of push ups or chaturangas for upper body strength.

Support System & Accountability
I created a yoga bikini body boot camp group for women. I love helping others by solving my own problem! Together we are supporting each other to improve our levels of fitness. Another way to stay accountable is by posting blogs on my weekly workout wrap ups. So check in weekly to see if I am still going strong.

I have already completed 10 days this month. I haven’t missed a day of doing some exercise everyday! Even better, my sister decided to join in on the 30 days of fitness challenge and has been walking 4 miles everyday! I love it!

Comment below and share with me your current weekly workout!

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Raw Spaghetti w/ “Sausage”

Posted By on Aug 3, 2009

A few months ago I bought a spirooli. I knew I was going to be growing zucchini so I wanted to be prepared to make one of my favorite raw dishes: spaghetti (it is not in accordance w/ 80/10/10 due to salt & seasonings, but still a nice dish). I have a mandolin and sometimes make noodles with that too, but I really like how long and thin this makes them. Even a grater works (see in the video below).

Click HERE to see how it works!

Here is what my noodles look like after I use the spirooli. I like them somewhat short since after the first time using it I realized I was making 5 ft long noodles! DOH! I sweat the noodles by adding salt and letting them sit for about 30 min. then drain the liquid.

I haven’t made this recipe in about a year, so my memory is somewhat failing me, but here are the basics. It’s super easy & practically impossible to mess up.

For the marinara I use this base from the Raw Body Twins. Then I add more spices inspired by the marinara sauce from”Raw Food Real World” by Matthew Kenney. It’s a flexible thing and you can change it to meet your preferences. However, the marinara in the video above is fine just as it is.

1 C walnuts
2 Medjool dates, pitted
in the food processor and added
1/2 dried fennel
pinch of crush ground red pepper
1/4 tsp basil
1/4 tsp oregano
1/4 salt

Process walnuts in the food processor til chopped. Add everything else, including dates, & process until it comes together but still has texture.

You’ll be blown away. It looks & tastes similar to cooked ground sausage. Crumble this over the top of the marinara & noodles.

This recipe is even better the next day after all the flavors have had a chance to mingle in the fridge!

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