Do you find yourself interacting in fake or pretentious ways? Do you lie to others? Do you find yourself being highly criticized and judged? Are you wrapped up in how others perceive you? If a camera was running on you 24/7 would you be terrified by what others witnessed in your life?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are living in your own private hell. A place of emotional baggage, filled with lies, fear, paranoia, and so forth. One way to gain some insight is to play the mirror game. Meaning what you accuse others of you are guilty of yourself.
Are you judgmental of others? Judgmental people are afraid of being judged themselves so they deflect the attention off themselves by trying to project it onto others.
Do you have expectations for others to live up to? People don’t let us down, we let ourselves down when we handed our power to something outside of ourselves.
Take Responsibility We create our own private hell and we are the only ones who can get ourselves out of it. Stop deflecting, dig down into your own murkiness. Once you do, you realize even in your murkiness it is still OK. You are beautiful just as you are, even with body odor and bed head you are still loved and accepted. The true you transcends that, and by being comfortable with your “human-ness” (skankiness and all…LOL) you realize it doesn’t take away your value. After all, once you embrace who you really are all the murkiness begins to fall away. Stop giving power to the social paradigm that you are not living up to. No one really does anyway. Take your power back, take responsibility for who you are.
See Your Value Those layers of thoughts & habits are not who we really are and as we let them go we can shine. We are all divine sparks of God. We are here to do good and how can we shine when we are always hiding? We have a calling to greatness and our spirit is so big that we cannot be held down with such trivial baggage. As we become loving and accepting people, we become a magnet for more love. Imagine living freely, doing exactly what you wanted to do, when you wanted to do it, free of guilt. Imagine that no one would criticize you or judge you. Nothing you could do or say would cause anyone to flee from your life. If you knew no matter what you would be loved, you would be honest. You would feel safe.
Liberate Yourself There is no need to stress and become uptight, for once we do the mind and body become so tense that we cannot transmit data from the divine and we are literally squeezing the magic out of our experience. RELAX and see the real you. Let go and just be free. Let yourself out of the prison you have been confining yourself to.
Be the Example If you want openness and honesty from others, you must be that yourself. Once others feel safety in your openness their walls will go down too. As Gandhi said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” Be free, be liberated. Do not look to others to change first, it starts with you. Do not tell others how to be, be an example of what you know to be true and people will flock to you for your insight and guidance. Give them the freedom to be themselves.
Liberate Others As Marianne Williamson said so beautifully,” As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others.” The best way to give back to others is to allow them to be who they are, just how they are. Love them anyway. When you are free, others will be freed in your presence. People will open and share details with you because they know there will be no judgment. None of the silly stuff matters anyway, I remember this quote, “Forever trust in who we are, and nothing else matters”. Who knew a little Metallica could be so profound? This song has been running through my head. These lyrics are the real deal. Enjoy!
Share Your Journey Let your skeletons out of your closet. I did over a year ago when I posted a video called Skeletons in My Closet. I remember being scared to post it. I had no idea what would come of it. Surprisingly, I was greeted with support and compassion. People resonated with my pain and soon the fears and insecurities that once held me down liberated me. I am so thankful I had the courage to do it. It is my desire to be free. As I let go of my silly trivial human-ness may it inspire you to do the same. I wrote out my human-ness in the blog Walking Into Knowingness. It is time to admit, “This is me now, and it is OK. I have a heart of gold and I am working on becoming a better version of myself.” It is my dream that by sharing my life publicly that it liberates you to live your life more fully. As Gandhi said, “My life is my message.” Let your life be your message as well. Be the spark that you are and shine above all this nonsense. After all, if not you, then who? If not now, then when?
Isn’t it funny how many times we do something we know we shouldn’t be doing, but we do it anyway? Let me give you an example. We know intellectually that a soy chai latte from the Coffee Bean is not the best fuel to put into our bodies, however we drink it anyway. Sometimes we justify drinking it by saying, “Oh…. well…I haven’t had one in a really long time.” Or even worse we say we deserve it as a treat. How can we say putting something in our bodies with no nutritional value and that depletes us is ever a treat? Ultimately, we know we shouldn’t be consuming it, so why do we do it?
As I pondered this I realize it all comes down to realizing our self worth. We will only give ourselves exactly what we feel we deserve. If we hold ourselves in low regard then it is easy to say that it is OK to accept anything less than the best. On the other side, if we hold ourselves in high regard we would only want ourselves to have the best that life has to offer. We wouldn’t see something that is less than the best as a treat. We would see it just the opposite way.
Wouldn’t it be so nice that one day you wake up and you only crave and desire the things in your life that really fulfill you? Imagine that anything less than the best no longer has any appeal at all. Imagine if someone was right next to you drinking a soy chai latte that it wouldn’t even phase you. You wouldn’t feel deprived, actually you felt empowered and free that something no longer had an effect on you. You knew that if you wanted it, you could have it, but you just don’t. The problem is so simple. All our bad habits and cravings would fall away because they wouldn’t be in alignment with how we felt.
If the problem is so simple, then is the solution just as easy? YES! We start seeing ourselves as who we really are underneath all those layers of habits and thoughts. We see the essence and we begin to feel love for all that we are and all that is around us. We give gratitude and love our habits and thoughts for they have taught us and given us contrast for us to grow. We see ourselves as unique aspects of God, and doesn’t God deserve the best? God doesn’t settle or rationalize. God knows what is best and you do too. You know you are capable of so much. Stop dimming yourself, it is time to shine by doing the things that we know we are deserving and capable of.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are we not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson
In honor of the upcoming new year I have been contemplating my life intention, direction, and challenges/opportunities. This morning I realized I am at a crossroad in my life. It is time to love the person I have been and time to embrace a higher version of myself.
I used a simple method of looking at my complaints and compliments that I expressed about others. In this indirect way I was able to see myself being objective and thorough. I know that I am all that I see in others whether I am complaining or complimenting.
Here is what I found I was complaining about in others. Then I changed their names to “I am…”
a very sexually attractive person who feels a false sense of reassurance and self worth through displaying self in a sexy/ flirtatious manner.
experiencing periods of attachment & insecurity
frozen in fear & not taking action
not claiming the life I know I deserve (self worth)
inefficient use of time & talents
wavering focus & direction
too stuck in the head that I get locked in intelligence/reason mode that is squeezing the magic out from happening or allowing
unlimited potential and the world unfolding before me, realizing I could have a commanding presence & really impact lives if I owned it.
wavering on taking responsibility on where I am at.
experiencing minor glimpses of lower levels of consciousness, yet highly evolved getting glimpses of a higher truth/ reality.
understanding freedom & enlightenment
passionate about growing, sharing and teaching as I learn
a person with a huge heart
a person with a desire to make a positive difference in people’s lives on a large scale
I then thought about the people in my life that I admire. I took off the names of others and changed it again to “I am….”
present, conscious, self assured
understanding & remembering my life direction
knowing my presence is my gift
a leader
serving by holding my level of awareness. In doing so people find clarity in their own lives and raise their own consciousness so that they see solutions & change their own lives.
the very best thing I can do is maintain this state of knowing consciousness & live in that truth.
“In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
I see myself very clearly right now and I am so thankful that through observing and enjoying my interactions with everything around me and that I am able to see the truth in my reality.
The people I am complaining about are opportunities to see if I am really done with that level of life. Have I really let go from the old to walk into new realms? How assured am I?
The people I admire are opportunities to see if I am really standing present and owning it simply, quietly, consciously with a knowing and freedom.
Am I ready to take the torch from my lower self and stand tall with a higher level of living. Can I incorporate it and saturate myself with such a presence that it emanates from every pore & action of my being?
Are you ready to stand in your knowingness or do you need to dabble in the “old familiar”. Are you ready to let go to move forward?
What more of a resolution do you need than to walk in your own truth? Enjoy your new year!
If you are running through life feeling overwhelmed and not really making the impact you know you want, or wishing you felt alive and filled with passion then you are going to LOVE me!