Posts Tagged "transformation"

Pushed by Pain Until Pulled by a Vision

Posted By on Mar 28, 2012

The title of this post is actually a quote by Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith who founded  Agape International Spiritual Center in Culver City, CA. I found that it completely summed up my experience back in 2007 that pushed me out of suffering and into a state of bliss. I share more in the video below.

Here is the interview I watched that I mentioned in this video that led me to find more interviews, and watch the movie “Conversations with God” that inspired me to pull out my writings from 2007 that turned my life around,  but fear and doubt crept in and I put the writings away. I am happy to say 5 years later I am going back through the work, living it and I’ll be sharing it with you as I go along!

What vision pulls you? Have you gone for it? Have you denied it? Share your story in the comments below!


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The #1 Way to Accomplish Goals

Posted By on Jan 6, 2012

Alright, alright! I’ll admit it. I have gained 10 pounds… and ya know what…. I am doing things differently this time around. Check out my video below where I share what really has made the difference between the goals that I accomplish and the goals that I do not.

And, if one of your goals is to lose a few extra pounds you just might dig my bikini body program coming this spring.

How do you make sure you accomplish your goals? Share it with me in the comments below!


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Ditching Your Secrets

Posted By on Dec 31, 2011

As we enter the new year, I propose a personal growth challenge to come clean with your life and to liberate yourself from your secrets. I know it isn’t always easy to do and it can take courage, but the reward is far more rewarding than the fear ever was.

If you are new to my blog and haven’t experienced my personal stories you can read my personal bio. In addition, this was the first video that inspired more my transparency: Skeletons in my Closet

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments about being transparent below!




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Are You Living in Your Own Private Prison?

How to Overcome Fears and Come Alive 

Living a Transparent Life

Live Your Life 

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